
Showing posts from February, 2013


Celebrating 50 years... no not I. I have already celebrated many "passages of 50". It's the BLANTON with an art exhibition you won't want to miss. What a challenge for the curatorial staff of the BLANTON ART MUSEUM on the University of Texas campus at Austin. The challenge, organizing diversity, was clearly met in the exceptional exhibition called "THROUGH THE EYES OF TEXAS: MASTERWORKS FROM ALUMNI COLLECTIONS". Feb. 24th through May 19th. Annette Carlozzi, assistant director to Simone Wicha, described procuring the selected works of art of all media and from many periods and cultures to make a handsome assemblage of great variety. The exhibition is a little like taking a short course in Art Appreciation. Or it's comparable to walking through a book describing art objects from Greek, Egyptian, Roman and Mayan cultures. And there are paintings, drawings and prints from ancient periods to the present. Congratulations to the staff for the excellent l...


COMPANION & friend. Who says art can't be fun!      


 IMAGES: Two of a new series of 12" x 16" oil on canvas for a proposed group exhibition. Although Texas has many warm, beautiful winter days, February is usually unpredictable. So it's the time I like for visiting art museums in neighboring cities.      DALLAS MUSEUM OF ART  has CHAGALL: BEYOND COLOR from February 17th through May 26th and   LOREN MOZLEY:  STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY from the 17th through June 30th. For those who follow my blog, this is the much anticipated show that we attended last summer at the Grace Museum in Abilene, TX.      Professor Loren Mozley (1905-1989) was one of the founders of the art Department at the University of Texas at Austin and was a splendid teacher unequal among those of my knowing. Before coming to Austin he was one of the important early Texas painters living in Dallas. Also he lived in Taos, New Mexico and when a teenager, he delivered author Willa Cathe...