
Showing posts from March, 2021

WHAT DO YOU KNOW about Richard Denney

WHAT DO YOU KNOW about Richard Denney? Rick Denney; Vice Chair of Travis County Historical Commission, called me about a story in my book Hudson Bend and the Birth of Lake Travis. (1) Perhaps he and I qualify as Rut Nuts. A “rut nut” is someone interested in history, particularly swales and ruts which are physical remains of old trails.______ Our online discussions included trails west of Austin made by the Comanche, the mid-century trails made by the Boy Scouts of Camp Tom Wooten and the old rail line established to deliver supplies and equipment to the Mansfield Dam being constructed (1937- 1941) At Marshalls Ford to create Lake Travis.______ Tiny trails become freeways! Insect tracks are followed by mammals small and large. Humans with their livestock make tracks into wider roads and even highways. Spanish explorers’caminos become paved roads and rail lines.______ Today Austin citizens travel an old path used by the Comanche and early settlers that became a road and a later railro...