
Showing posts from March, 2022


In my WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT Indians in Texas: I intended to say The Karankawa fishermen were reputed to be cannibalistic... Thanks to Eilene for catching it. My apology for this and once again for not being able to maintain the paragraphing in my orginally typed stories when I cut and paste them to this blog. If anyone more tech savvy than I can enlighten me, please do. Thanks Carole

WHAT DO YOU KNOW about Indians in Texas?

I will attempt to use tribal names when possible. I ask for your understanding when space begs that I use the briefer reference of Indians rather than the more proper Native Americans. The western plains of Texas were rich hunting grounds for the Comanche, Apache and Kiowa tribal bands seeking the herds of bison. Hunting was fiercely competitive and ceremonial. The warrior chiefs wore their elaborate feathered head-dresses to hunt. Some chiefs had dozens of wives doing domestic work. Buffalo meat was hung, dried and soup was made. Butchering was done by women who also stretched hides on large frames to cover tepees and make blankets that were stacked for beds on which the men lounged and the children slept. The women in charge were distinguished by the clothing they wore. They often wore a blanket over their deerskin dresses and were adorned with handmade jewelry. Horses had been brought and left in the new world by the failed Spanish explorers looking for gold and the returni...